2012年4月13日 星期五

"Fan Constructor" available in iPhone APP Store

FanCon - Clyde Studio
Search Keywords: "FanCon", “Fan Design“, “Fan Constructor“, “Axial Fan“

We are pleased to announce that a new iPhone App "FanCon" is now available for download from the iPhone App Store.
The purpose of this App is to provide people who are interested in the impeller design with a easier way to accomplish the product design and a tool which facilitates and simplifies the design process.
FanCon contains a foil database which has 200 different foils at your selection and the user can add another 100 foils to this database as well. This provides the user with more flexibility and variations to the impeller design which needs an optimization process to determine the best impeller with the optimal performace, better noise characteristics and etc.. All the design parameters such as geometry gettings of the overall impeller and the detail design parameters of each section can be easily adjusted by the slider bars or text fields on the screen of iPhone/iPad devices.

From the navigation bar to the bottom of the screen, the user can tap on either the Foil Database, Geometry Settings, Section Design or the Final Impeller. The table view of  Foil Database contains a table of various foils as described above in which the user can tap to select or edit. The detail specification of the foil such as the X, Y coordinates, maximum thickness, the distance from the leading edge of the maximum thickness are listed inside the detailed view of each foil. A foil is drawn in the figure of a blue background to show the user how this foil looks.

After the user tap on the “Geomery“ on the base navigation bar,  the next page shows the basic geometry settings of the new impeller. This includes the number of blades, the outer diameter (tip diameter), the hub diameter, the fan depth and the chord center offset along the axis. When you tap into the button to the upper right corner with an impeller figure, you will enter a page with an impeller rotating in random directions. From here you can see four of the parameters mentioned above marked in different colors as dimension lines. The users will understand better about the meaning of each of the terms.

After the user complete the settings inside the “Geometry“ page, the next step is to adjust the various settings on the five sections to compose a single blade. Therefore, the user can tap on the third “Section“ icon and this will bring he/she into the detailed section settings. Same as the “Geometry“ page, there are slider bars and text fields inside this “Section“ page which can facilitate the input of various numbers. The user can adjust the first parameter to determine which one of the 5 sections he/she wants to edit. After such selection of sections, all the slider bars and text fields below will change the values to reflect current settings of each section. Meanwhile, 5 foils will appear in the background of this page and each represent one foil in the corresponding section. This current foil being edited will be shown in yellow which makes the user easier to recognize. The user can tap on the icon with a impeller figure to the upper right of this page and this will bring out another page which shows the sections in the top view. This makes the user easier to understand some parameters such as forward angles which may not be easy enough to recognize the changes in the previous view. 

Finally, after all the settings complete in “Geometry“ and “Section“ pages, the user can move on the the “Final Impeller“ page. To the upper right of this page, the user can tap on an icon with the impeller figure to see the final impeller in 3D. The impeller keeps rotating randomly until the user tap or swipe on the screen. The user can verify the design to see if he/she needs further modification. 

If the user is satisfied witht such design, he/she can tape on the “Final Impeller“ button to return to the “Final Impeller“ page. From this page, the user can determine whether he/she wants to spend USD$4.99 to export the final IGES file to others. 

Should he/she tap on the “Export IGES File and Send Email / US$4.99“ button, an In-App Purchase transaction is processed. After transaction confirmation from Apple, the IGES file will be prepared inside an email sheet as an attachedment. All the design parameters are listed as the content of such email and the user can easily send this email out by tapping on the “Send“ button.

Whenever any design is too complicated and it may not be easy to pick the correct parameters easily, the user can simply tap on the “Revert to Default Values“ button. All the design parameters will be reverted to the default values immediately and the user can continue the design work again with ease.

FanCon is available in three different languages including English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.

